
Shock and Awe - Achieving Rapid Dominance by Harlan Ullman and James P. Wade

Progress and Achievements of the Colored People by Joseph R. Gay and Kelly Miller

Napoleon A Sketch of His Life Character Struggles and Achievements by Watson

Jeanne dArc Maid of Orleans Deliverer of France by T. Douglas Murray

Henry Hudson A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements by Janvier

Daring Deeds of Famous Pirates by E. Keble Chatterton

Christopher Columbus 1440 1506 the first American citizen by adoption

A New History of the United States by Charles Morris

The Achievement of the British Navy in the World War by John Leyland

Stories of Achievement Volume IV Authors and Journalists by Asa Don Dickinson

Stories of Achievement Volume III Orators and Reformers by Asa Don Dickinson

Significant Achievements in Space Bioscience 1958 1964
